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One of the hardest things to deal with here are the number of insects that make it into the house. The most noticable are the ants. I learned early on that ants go where they want to go and there's no stopping them.

There seems to be 3 types of ants here, I don't know what they are really called but I call them red ants, black ants and white ants.

Black ants are your normal ants that we have in the U.S. They aren't very plentiful in the house and haven't been a problem.

Red ants are very very small but are the ones who are always on the march. They tend to blend into the background but are the ones you need to check for when you are eating. I've learned to bang my bread on the plate before eating. sometimes 50 ants may shake out telling me that it may be time for new bread. They are extremely quick and efficient and will eat other insects. If you kill a spider and leave it, within 15 minutes there will be hundreds of ants munching away, then when they are done they fade back into the night.

A very close up shot of the red ants.


White ants are very large and fly. They only come out every once in a while but when they do they swarm toward any light. Last night they came to my lights. I was sitting playing on the computer and first I heard one insect, then another then next thing I know there were probably 20 in the living room. Then I got a bang on the door and it was my night watchman asking if I could turn on the front porch light and get him a pot. As soon as I turned on the light hundreds of white ants started swarming around. My watchman went about gathering them up as they are apparently quite tasty. I didn't get to sample the end result as the next morning he returned an empty pan. Maybe next time.

A dead white ant getting eaten by red ants. To get a picture of their sizes, the metal round item on the left is the sink drain.



"Maybe next time." Your spirit of adventure is admirable.

i am itchy all over - all the way in nyc! you forgot to tell us about the black ants - "maybe next time"

Yoga! (If you live with Djophadhola people, you might know what that means!)

Hey, I stumbled across this blog while searching for Uganda information-- I lived in Western Uganda for 2 years in the Peace Corps! (I just returned back to California last year.) I hope you're enjoying the "Pearl." Your pictures make me nostalgic for Uganda, and I will enjoy following your adventures with Kiva-- it's a very interested organization, I learned about it a few months ago and am interested in the work.

Take care. And to keep the fire ants out, sprinkle a little ash or paraffin around your doorways!

Best, Meera

The kids next door are trying to teach me their language (Ateso) which I am failing miserably at learning, but they did teach me "Yoga"! So far I can say house, water, slippers, chair and goat. I think it'll be a long time before I understand what any of them are saying.

Thanks for the note on the ants, I'll give it a try!

by far one of the most interesting entries i've read in a long time on any blog....take care of yourself carl!